
Log in


Log in to enable the features explained in this guide.

You can access the rating and follow options of any item or source by pressing the -icon.
If the item already has a rating () or a reputation (
), press it to open the menu.
To add a source to your feed, press the follow-button. It has this icon:
To review and modify any of your ratings, follows or feeds, visit your profile from the top-left button. Below are some examples you can browse, rate, or follow to get started.
To add someone as your friend and expand your trusted network, rate their account positively.

Adding content to the engine

To add a link, paste it into the search field and press enter, or use the browser extension. If the link has not yet been added, you can add it at the bottom of the search results.

To create feeds or posts, see the bottom of your profile page.

Hidden search features

All search features are currently accessible through the UI, except exclusive text filtering. Add a term "-thing" to filter out every item that has "thing" in the title.

This guide is a work in progress and will be expanded to eventually cover all the features.